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Child Jesus Hospital
Founded at 1948 .The pioneers, the first batch of three sisters from foreign countries have bequeathed not only their mark in quality service that is continued by the incoming band of Indian sisters but also have merited the familiar and popular acclaims as “AMERICAN HOSPITAL!!!” An English club turned into the residence for sisters will in itself foretell the contextual changes necessitated and gradually brought into effect. Step by step as traced in the historical developments from its inception to date, clearly manifest the original vision daring to brave through all odds giving apt expression according to the signs of the time. In a steady pace under the able leadership of sisters the hospital moved from the original, “Mother and Child Welfare Unit” to its present day multi-facetted approach bringing Specialists on fixed days to cater to the needs of the people. The limited space has no doubt over the years turned into a concrete jungle with only a small stretch to show the earth below and the sky above.
Time is so precious, living one day at a time, fully and joyfully we are now standing at the close of sixty long years. In history when we quote in centuries and eras, 60 years, no doubt is small. The Franciscans view nothing as small or insignificant. The Lord of Ours id the source and the master and he wields His power in ways that are different to ours eyes. To us, fmms in particular, the span of 60 years is Great Indeed! When we look back and see, the marvels of the Lord are far too many, even making the disbelievers say that it is true in relation to child Jesus.
In the name “CHILD JESUS” we court, Child continues to remain Child but anyone can notice the steady growth. We are limited by boundaries but can the spirit be bound? No. That is precisely how I view the progress in our campus. For some it may seem the same but to those who can SEE it is constantly becoming bettered, altered, improved, in short different. Sure, it is different with a difference of course! Those in the campus and those shouldering responsibility through the years have reason to feel good and glad that they have been instrumental in the unfolding of divine plan for this presence and significant service and for those who have been called to the Lord, having completed their mission we bow in prayer seeking their assistance. It is our bounden duty to specially remember Srs. Kathleen Harvey and Gertrude fmm.
Child Jesus Hospital run by fmm sisters stands apart in many ways in the mesh of upcoming hospitals of various sizes, number of beds, treatments and specialties. Ours is definite in its purpose of serving all, with special reference to sections having limited access and chance of getting the needed treatment. Faithful to origin, steadily responding to the need of the hour and signs of the time developing in simple unassuming ways, surely the hospital has advanced to its present form. The recent alterations and the face lift are like feathers in the cap most needed and largely appreciated. Increase in the inflow of patients is its reward. People known to us are proud and happy with the change. In contrast to the prevalent practice in hospitals the wide corridors, airy and well-lit rooms, clean and adequately provided makes one feel at home and at case. Commissioned to do the best in what we are called to do we continue in our own stride.
Health is wealth, Sound mind in a sound body, such saying has lost their validity in our days. In our global village, there is steadfast rise in wealth and fall in health. In the polluted surroundings noise bombards our minds and our bodies are shattered. Specialization is the order of the day. Not only for the doctors but the patients too are centering their illnesses to specific points. Part by part, our body, calls for attention needs to be checked and treated whereas wholeness is becoming far too alien.
Every human being created in the image of God, needs to be aware of his / her dignity. Child Jesus Hospital stands as the visible sign of God’s compassionate love for the sick and suffering of this locality who require competent and dedicated service irrespective of gender, caste, creed and culture. We believe that the compassionate Love of Christ expressed through the healing ministry brings wholeness.
Being inspired by the spirit and life of St. Francis and Blessed Mary of the passion our Foundress, we recognize that this service should be directed primarily to the poor.
We accept that the health care service is dynamic and challenging as we endeavor to provide total health care within the hospital and in our extension programmes in rural areas and urban slums utilizing the means that are at our disposal.
In the present world order where materialism and consumerism are rampant resulting in the violation of the Sacredness of life, human rights and Eco justice, we endeavor to direct the health care service in the spirit of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.
Child Jesus Hospital stands as a Little flame to counteract the darkness of evil forces that threaten the very life of individuals, even of intra-uterine life. Ever aware of the complexity of Bioethics the institution strives to accept what is beneficial to the well-being of the individuals and family without sacrificing the principles of Medical Ethics.
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About Us
Child Jesus Hospital is called American Hospital.It is a tertiary medical service centre with 220 beds. It offers specialty services, including state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities to ensure the delivery of holistic patient care.